Thursday, July 13, 2006

Dr. Robert Bowman

Dr Robert Bowman is a full member of Scholars for 9-11 Truth. His bio there reads as follows:

Former Director of the U.S. "Star Wars" Space Defense Program in both Republican and Democratic administrations, and a former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions.

He is also a candidate for Congress in Florida.

He claims to be "agnostic" on 9-11 conspiracy theories in this interview on Hannity and Colmes:

But he doesn't seem so agnostic here on his website:

Why did they destroy most of the forensic evidence showing that three buildings at the World Trade Center were brought down by thermite demolition charges?

He believes in some of the nuttiest stuff that the 9-11 conspiracy movement has:

Why does the “Osama bin Laden” in the “confession” videotape have a nose about an inch shorter that the real Osama bin Laden? Why have half a dozen of the 19 “hijackers” turned up in other countries … alive and well? Were there really any hijackers at all, and if there were, were they patsies? Who made millions on short sales of United and American Airlines? Where is the tens of billions of dollars worth of missing gold that was stored in the World Trade Center?

Although of course phrasing those as questions allows him to slough off these apparent beliefs as "just asking questions".

Bowman's bio on his campaign site notes:

Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. is President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies, Executive Vice President of Millennium III Corporation, and Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church. He flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam and directed all the “Star Wars” programs under Presidents Ford and Carter.

Here's the website for Millenium III corporation, which certainly looks impressive until you try to click on one of their links; every one gives a 404 error. The United Catholic Church? Here's their website.

Update - October 11th, 2006:

General beliefs:
*MIHOP – Believes 9/11 to be an “inside job” 1
*Believes the “official story” is the biggest Conspiracy Theory 1

*Believes the Hijackers and OBL were “Patsies”. 1,2
*Believes the Hijackers were not capable of the manuevers to fly planes into buildings 1
*Believes many of the 19 hijackers were alive and well after 9/11. 2
*Believes the OBL confession tape is fake. 2

*Believes Fighter Jets got to Payne Stuarts plane in 16 minutes. 1
*Believes 67 plane “intercepts” occurred in the year preceding 2001. 1
*Believes that Fighter Jets will “automatically” scramble, without orders, if a jet airliner transponder goes down, or if it goes off course. 1
*Believes there was a “stand down” order given by someone in the government. 1
*Believes there were war games, and that the reason for the war games was to confuse ATC/FAA/NORAD 1
*Believes USG is withholding or has destroyed audio tapes of FAA/NORAD conversations.2

Motive/PNAC/NWO issues:
*Believes PNAC planned 9/11 to further their goals to increase defense spending, via the creation of a “New Pearl Harbour”. 1
*Says the PNAC paper states that “the US must occupy Iraq PERMANENTLY” in order to have a “staging base” to attack Iran, Syria, etc…1
*Believes Dick Cheney is the mastermind behind 9/11 1
*Thinks that only the top people at the white house knew of the plan, and that all of the military chain of command were innocent tools. 1
*Believes that the Black Ops and Corporations that “really” run the govt, are the ones behind 9/11. 1
*Says that the republicans/USG would love to have another 9/11, to pull up their support. 1

Pentagon Crash:
*Believes USG is withholding video tapes of the pentagon. 2

WTC Attacks:
*Believes the USG had evidence destroyed from the WTC sites. 2
*Believes the WTCs were brought down by the USG using Thermite Charges. 2
*Believes there was “tens of billions of dollars worth” of gold in the WTC on 9/11. 2



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