Friday, August 11, 2006

Chuck Sheen

Chuck Sheen (not Charlie Sheen, although the name is probably chosen in "honor" of him) is a moderator at the Loose Change Forums. He is best known for his inevitable arrival of any post by a new member of those forums with a recommendation that they view the films at Universal Seed. He is an anti-Zionist, as you can see from the film he posted here.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


SPINE stands for the "Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven". Members are listed here. Among the more famous members are Kevin Barrett, A.K. (Kee) Dewdney, Steven Jones, Morgan Reynolds, Kevin Ryan and Phil Jayhan. SPINE appears to include an "anti-Zionist" element.

Question 6. Are you saying the Jews are behind 911?

Answer: Certainly not. Although Israel is ostensibly a Jewish state, its actions in the middle east are in direct conflict with Jewish Law, ethics and morality. The European (Khazarite) Jews may be described as double victims, suffering not only from centuries of persecution after the fall of Muslim Spain, but from the deceptive practices adopted by the Zionist planners responsible for Israel. Myths such as “a land without people for a people without land” (both questionable propositions) misled thousands of settlers in the Jewish proto-state, followed by millions later.

As a general rule, zionist organizations in the west have only one tool with which to counter revelations of the myth-building exercise. Whoever makes such claims is labeled an “anti-semite,” a peculiarly ironic charge under the circumstances.