Friday, May 25, 2007

Christopher Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn purports to be an independent investigative reporter. Bollyn formerly worked for the American Free Press, but was fired shortly after a bizarre incident where he got into a fight with some police officers who were reportedly engaged in a stakeout near Bollyn's home. Here's Bollyn's own account:

My wife and 8-year old daughter were already there and I asked these men who they were and why they were harassing my street. Why are you driving around with this unmarked car around my house, I asked? Who are you, anyway? They were not at all willing to identify themselves and were very confrontational, to say the least.

I ran to my front door to call my brother when the three of them tackled me and shocked me with some sort of stun-gun. The three men then sat on me and pushed my face in the dirt, handcuffed me and put me in their car.

Bollyn reportedly faces trial on May 31, 2007. The charges are not discussed in this article by Bollyn, but presumably include assault and resisting arrest.

Bollyn wrote for American Free Press for several years. His "work" is cited often in Loose Change and Loose Change 2, but according to Jason Bermas it will not be cited in Loose Change Final Cut. Bollyn is also cited extensively by other 9-11 conspiracy theorists including David Ray Griffin.

Bollyn's an anti-Zionist crackpot who sees the evil hand of the Jew in virtually every situation. As evidence, here is a look at some of the claims Bollyn has made:

Steven Jones was suspended (and subsequently retired) from teaching at BYU as a result of "Zionists".

Before Jones could even discuss his research, however, Fabrizio was aggressively quizzing him on the "Neo-Conservative motivation" for the attacks, and repeatedly pressed him to comment on a subject far outside his field and competence � to explain who within the government could have been involved in the attacks � if not 19 Arab hijackers with box cutters.

Because Jones is a physicist and is not engaged in the political background of "false flag" terrorism attacks, he reluctantly responded to Fabrizio's question by citing the author Webster Tarpley's analysis that individuals such as Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, who are linked to the "international banking cartel," have been named, by Tarpley, as possible suspects.

Jones was careful to say that these were not his ideas, but Tarpley's, and that these were possible suspects that Tarpley had named.

Jones is generally reluctant to discuss the political implications of his findings, and his comments about Wolfowitz and Perle on the radio program created quite a "buzz on campus," the Deseret Morning News reported.

After interviewing Jones for a brief 20 minutes, Fabrizio said goodbye to Jones and turned the remainder of the hour over to a discussion of conspiracy theories with two Jewish professors, a Robert Goldberg from the University of Utah and Gary Fine from Northwestern.

The first caller was a William Tumpowsky, chairman of the Jewish Community Relations Council and board member of the local Israeli-fund raising organization, the United Jewish Federation. Tumpowsky charged that Jones' was using code language to make anti-Semitic allegations. Goldberg supported this accusation.

Starting from this outrageous allegation, Fabrizio continued the hostile discussion with Goldberg and Fine, with frequent allegations that the now-absent physics professor was nothing more than an anti-Semite indulging in conspiracy fantasies. The most significant evidence brought forth by Jones' research was not even discussed.

Within two days, the authorities at BYU apparently caved to organized Jewish pressure and put Jones on paid leave. Students who had already begun their fall physics courses with Jones will be taught by other faculty members for the rest of the semester as university administrators review his statements and research.

That the Likud government of Ehud Barack in Israel was behind the 9-11 attacks and the war on terror:

The same Zionist gangsters who support the Likud also support the Republican Party. Lewis Eisenberg, Ronald Lauder, and Steven L. Friedman are among the U.S. based Zionists that are deeply involved in the attacks of 9/11.

See: A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud

When looking at the terror attacks of 9/11, one should ask more than "Cui bono?" It should also be asked: "Who else?"

Who else could have done it? Who else would want to do it? Who else has any reason to do it?

These Zionist leaders are more than war criminals - they are a threat to all of humanity. They must to be stopped, for our sake and the sake of the peace of the world.

Bollyn is also the source for many 9-11 Denial claims (which is why he's cited so often. For example:

The bogus claim that Benjamin Chertoff and Michael Chertoff are related.

Molten steel was found in the basements of three WTC buildings.

Bizarrely, Bollyn has apparently written a book for children, called ABC Zoo. But don't worry, the webpage assures us that the book is:

Completely Free of the frightening, satanic, and psychotic overtones that are so common in the mainstream media today


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