Sunday, July 16, 2006

Kevin Barrett

Kevin Barrett is a professor of Islamic studies, currently teaching (but not tenured) at the University of Wisconsin. Barrett became controversial in July of 2005 when it was announced that his Introduction to Islam course would include 9-11 revisionism. He is a full member of Scholars for 9-11 Truth. He has also formed a group called MUJCA, for Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9-11 Truth.

Notes: Barrett is a (white) Muslim.

What he believes: 9-11 a false-flag terrorist attack by agents of the United States. Al Qaeda is Al-Cia-Duh. The Neocons are behind it.

Other conspiracies. Barrett apparently is an Oswald-denier. Goes on about the massacre of Fallujah, claims patients and doctors killed by US soldiers as well as old men praying in Mosques. Also claims that the Iran-Iraq War was started by a false-flag operation by the Israelis and the US.


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